home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Gui4CLI script | 1998-07-06 | 2.5 KB | 113 lines |
- G4C
- ; Demo.gc
- ; a simple gui to launch stuff..
- WINBIG -1 -1 310 164 Demo.gc
- WinType 11110001
- varpath ''
- xOnLoad
- ifexists assign guis:
- ; ok
- else
- extract demo.gc guipath g4cpath
- assign guis: $g4cpath
- cli 'c:path guis:c add'
- endif
- GuiOpen Demo.gc
- xOnClose
- guiclose demo.gc
- setgad demo.gc 20 ON
- xAppIcon -1 -1 :Gui4Cli 'G4C Demo' '' OFF
- gadid 20
- guiopen demo.gc
- setgad demo.gc 20 OFF
- xOnRMB
- Status
- BOX 0 0 0 0 out button
- ICON 219 9 :gui4cli
- CTEXT 15 9 "Might as well.." #screen 8 2 0 "0011"
- TEXT 12 24 195 15 "Read the ReadMe" 40 BOX
- gadid 1
- XBUTTON 210 24 91 15 "ReadMe"
- update demo.gc 1 Loading...
- *FILENAME = guis:readme.now
- guiload guis:tools/read.gc
- Update demo.gc 1 'Read the ReadMe'
- TEXT 12 39 195 15 "Read the Guide" 40 BOX
- gadid 2
- XBUTTON 210 39 91 15 "Guide"
- update demo.gc 2 Loading...
- run 'multiview guis:docs/Gui4Cli.guide'
- update demo.gc 2 'Read the Guide'
- TEXT 12 54 195 15 "Run the File Manager" 40 BOX
- gadid 3
- XBUTTON 210 54 91 15 "Dir.gc"
- update demo.gc 3 Loading...
- guiload guis:dir/dir.gc
- update demo.gc 3 'Run the File Manager'
- TEXT 12 69 195 15 "Search for Files" 40 BOX
- gadid 21
- XBUTTON 210 69 91 15 "FSearch.gc"
- update demo.gc 21 Loading...
- guiload guis:g4c/fsearch/fsearch.gc
- update demo.gc 21 'Search for Files'
- TEXT 12 84 195 15 "Replace text in files" 40 BOX
- gadid 22
- XBUTTON 210 84 91 15 "Rep.gc"
- update demo.gc 22 Loading...
- guiload guis:g4c/rep.gc
- update demo.gc 22 'Replace text in files'
- TEXT 12 99 195 15 "Read a Guide fast" 40 BOX
- gadid 6
- XBUTTON 210 99 91 15 "FastRead"
- update demo.gc 6 Loading...
- guiload guis:tools/fastread/fastread.gc
- update demo.gc 6 'Read a Guide fast'
- TEXT 12 114 195 15 "Change the Palette" 40 BOX
- gadid 5
- XBUTTON 210 114 91 15 "Palette"
- update demo.gc 5 Loading...
- guiload guis:tools/palette.gc
- update demo.gc 5 'Change the Palette'
- TEXT 12 129 195 15 "Look at the Tutorials" 40 BOX
- gadid 4
- XBUTTON 210 129 91 15 "Tutorials"
- update demo.gc 4 Loading...
- guiload guis:docs/tutorials.gc
- update demo.gc 4 'Look at the Tutorials'
- TEXT 12 144 195 15 "Make a Gui.." 40 BOX
- gadid 7
- XBUTTON 210 144 91 15 "GuiEdit"
- update demo.gc 7 Loading...
- guiname = ''
- ReqFile -1 -1 300 200 "Enter GUI Name:" LOAD guiname 'ram:'
- if $guiname > ''
- ifexists file $guiname ; chose existing gui
- ;
- else
- extract guiname file name
- .dummy = 'G4C\n\nWinBig -1 -1 200 100 $name\nWinType 11110001\n\nxOnLoad\nGuiOpen $name\n\nxOnClose\nGuiQuit $name\n\n'
- copy env:.dummy $guiname
- endif
- guiload guis:tools/guiedit.gc
- guiload $guiname
- endif
- update demo.gc 7 'Make a Gui..'